Minggu, 17 Maret 2013


Kaderisasi bagi sebuah organisasi, terlebih lagi apabila organisasi itu adalah Gerakan Pramuka, merupakan sebuah keharusan untuk menjaga kelangsungan hidup organisasi itu.

Gugus Depan Dhanapala pun menjaga kebutuhan kaderisasi ini dengan meneruskan pendidikan kepramukaan bagi anggotanya, yaitu dari golongan Penggalang kemudian menjadi Pramuka Penegak, lalu Pandega dan pada akhirnya menjadi Pembina Pramuka.

Setelah melalui Sidang Musyawarah Ambalan yang cukup berat, pada Hari Minggu tanggal 10 Maret 2013 bertempat di SMP Negeri 76 Jakarta, Dewan Ambalan Palapa Gajah Mada (Dhanapala Putra) baru dilantik oleh Kak Fuad Zaen, Pembina Satuan Penegak Gudep Dhanapala.

Adapun susunan Dewan Ambalan Palapa Gajah Mada Gugus Depan Jakarta Pusat 08-149 adalah sebagai berikut :
  • Pradana : Fariz Saputra
  • Pemangku Adat : Ilham Januarsyah
  • Kerani/Sekretaris : Aditya Caesar Sigiro
  • Bendahara : Ibnu Muhsin

Ilham Januarsyah selanjutnya menjalankan tugas pertamanya Sebagai Pemangku Adat yang baru yaitu dengan pengucapan Sandi Ambalan Palapa Gajah Mada.

Selamat menjalankan tugas bagi Dewan Ambalan yang baru. (DSI/Dhietz)

Selasa, 12 Maret 2013

HASDUK BERPOLA : a proof of grandson's love to his grandfather

a proof of grandson's love to his grandfather

by : Ikra Wiratama Hendra, Boy Scout

Trailer of “HASDUK BERPOLA” is started with the arrival of Budi (starred by Bangkit Prasetyo) in a school which is holding a semaphore lesson for their scout member. Budi, always beaten by Kemal his rival. He lost at everything academic, swimming, nor stealing his crush hearts. Now he knows that Kemal's ability is formed by his Scouting activity that Kemal joined. Then Budi realized that if he join Scout, he will be as good as Kemal even more than him.

In his first Scouting activity, Budi only worn  a napkin and rubber band as his woggle. It makes him ashamed by his friends and his scout leader. In the next meeting they both fight, like fighter meet his opponent in the field.

Unfortunately  his motivation to join scout is interrupted with a rule that his scout leader make that everyone that joins scout have to use the proper uniform and attribute including scout neckerchief. As a fatherless kid, he cannot afford  a neckerchief that cost IDR 17,500. He do anything to get that amount of money including being porters in a traditional market. Unfortunately all of his hardwork only make him IDR 15,000 and of course it cannot afford a scout neckerchief.

Ikra Wiratama Hendra
His persistence makes his sister “Bening (starred by Fay Nabila)” felt sorry for him and makes her makes a move to make his brother a neckerchief. But because of the economy factor, it makes everything looks Impossible. The neckerchief is made by leftovers made him an abnormal neckerchief. It is a neckerchief with barbie patterns and a rumpled white that used to be Budi and Bening’s blanket when they are still babies. That blanket is made from a flour sack by their father which already pass away. The red is made by Bening's favorite barbie patterns bed cover that caused her 3 years of money saving.

HASDUK BERPOLA (PATTERNED NECKERCHIEF) symbolized dad's love to his children, and Pramuka’s love to his Nation, Indonesia...

His nationalism is raised when he knew that his grandfather was an independence fighter and a witness of the ripping the blue part of the Dutch flag became and red and white flag (Indonesian flag) at 19 September 1945, in Yamato Hotel. But when he look at the bad thing from the fact, he promises to him self...

“I will raise it up...
I will give you back your honor, grandpa...
I will take your words...
And I will tie that national promise....!”

Trailer (with English subtitle) : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y-__wrNlS3o&feature=youtu.be

Kemal and his friends

Playing a traditional games

Building scouting spirit through scouting competition

Budi (left side) with Kemal (with complete scout uniform), his rival

Budi worn a napkin and a rubber band in his scout activity

Bening, Budi's sister

Learning Semaphore with Kak Indra (starred by Petra Sihombing)

Petra Sihombing - Alisia Rininta - Calvin Jeremy

Budi doesn't have enough money to buy a scout neckerchief

sources of photos :
Facebook "Film Hasduk Berpola" (http://www.facebook.com/filmhasdukberpola) - Aletta Pictures